My cloth nappies are leaking

If you have a leak here or there this happens. But if it`s happening every single day there is either
- An absorbency issue (add boosters) or
- A fit issue meaning a gap somewhere (close all gaps by making the nappy snug).
- The cover itself has been damaged (in this case you usually see wetness on the outside of the cover). It only needs 1 wash warmer than 30`C for this to occur.
A cover itself does not leak, unless it`s damaged. The nappy is the foundation of the system and determines whether or not leaks occur. When a nappy gets too wet, it finds a way out!
1. Dawn patrol mini`s and flats have 1 booster added from three/four weeks old. Add a 2nd booster if needed.
2. One flat can take up to three boosters. Add another booster.
3. No nappy sticking out of the cover. The clothes will suck out the moisture.
4. Cover and nappy are on snug- no gaps around the legs or waist.
5. No clothes tucked into nappy or cover.
6. Siesta night nappies- long insert is folded in three. Inserts are pulled a bit forward for boys and directly under his bits. Add a booster or two if no dry patches. You will have to boost during winter. A padfolded flat can also be used in the cover for heavier wetters. See boosting on the night nappy page.
7. Flats - using two, not one, for a night stretch of 5 - 12 hours. Add a booster if very saturated.
8. No baby grows over the crotch of fleece covers.
9. Nappies must be washed once before use.
10. Snappit Pro nappies: If the leak happens within an hour/when sleeping on a side, there is probably just a gap. Close the gap by pushing the nappy into the panty line. Boys - physically point the boys bits vertically downs with the back of your hand when putting it on. This is very important with the snap in style nappy.
If leaking is an issue after 2 - 3 hours day time, then the nappy usually does not have enough absorbency and extra layers are need to be added to distribute the wetness. Boosters are the answer. Add 1 - 2 in the nappy cover. Night time - add 1 - 2 boosters to a night nappy if there are leaks in the morning. See the night nappy page for other solutions here.
If boosting does not help get hold of us so we can help you.