
Stripping is needed when

1.Day or night nappies start to smell when baby pees in a clean nappy (ammonia build up).

2.Baby has thrush /fungal infection.


Strip clean nappies only, not dirty nappies. Strip nappies, boosters, wipes, liners. Not covers. It is safe - just follow the dilution instructions to prevent any colour fading issues.

1. With chemical bleach 

1 cup bleach for a full bath /machine (30 nappies).
1/2 cup bleach for a 1/2 full bath / machine (15 nappies).
1/4 cup bleach for a 1/4 full bath (under 10 nappies suggest doing the bath method).

In the bath:
Add enough cold tap water to cover the nappies.
Dilute the bleach in a jug of water first, then mix into the bath water before adding nappies. Add nappies and mix well.
Keep nappies in the bath for 30min, and maximum time of 45 minutes. Mix around a few times during this time.
Follow with a warm (30 degrees), short wash (add detergent, no softener) in the machine to break down the bleach. This step must be done.

In the machine:
Add the bleach to a litre of water in a jug and mix. Add this to your detergent drawer once the machine has filled up with water.
Run a cold, one hour wash.
Run a longer warm wash (30 degrees), (add detergent) to make sure bleach rinses out. This wash must be warm not cold. Add warm water to your machine if need be. 

2. Stripping with oxygen bleach

Oxygen bleach is a 100% natural product. Roodt bio bubbles or the Nurturer Oxygen bleach (50g - 100g per strip) are both great. 

Strip nappies, boosters, wipes, liners. Not covers.

Bath method:
Leave the nappies soaking in a bath of cold tap water with the product, for two - three hours.
Add to the machine and wash for 1.5 hours, with detergent, on 40 degrees.

In the machine:
Add 50 - 100grams Oxygen bleach to the detergent tray.
Do a normal long warm wash (30 degrees).

More than one treatment may be needed if ammonia build up is severe. Oxygen bleach is a natural product. If nappies still smell after the treatment, do it again or consider doing the chemical bleach strip. 

3. Using grapeseed extract

If you do not want to use chemical bleach, you can add 10 - 20 drops of GSE to the final rinse during your main wash. It is then best to do a hot wash of 40 degrees and/or hang nappies in the direct sun after. 

Email us if you are stuck.