What is part time vs full time cloth (how many nappies do I need)?
Part time means you start smaller and use cloth nappies together with disposables. A part time stash is usually 10 - 15 nappy changes. The more nappies you have the easier it is to use and wash them, so keep this in mind.
Full time means you use little to 0 single use plastics. You need 30 - 36 changes for newborn and from about 4/ 5 months, 26 changes.
Check out the newborn page or the 6kg - potty page for more details specific to this age to find out what you need to get going. The nappies are sold in part time and full time sets.
How long will the newborn set last?
It`s important to focus on the sheer volume of nappies that newborns go through in the first 4 months, rather than how long nappies can fit. Newborns wear the most amount of nappies in their diaper life time during this time because they wee and poop a lot. This is why cloth nappies make so much sense at this stage! Disposables will cost over R5000 for this stage.
Newborn nappies (Dawn patrol fitteds and covers) will fit to 6.5kg (usually 3 - 5 months, baby depending). What to get after 6kg, look here.

Is washing a lot more work?
Not at all. Modern cloth nappies are very easy to clean and wash. A machine rinse and a main wash is all they need. It is recommended to wash every 2 days if doing full time or every day if part time.
Washing does not cost an arm and a leg and cannot compare to buying and throwing away disposables daily (12 - 15 a day at the newborn stage). On average, if you wash every 2 - 3 days, you will spend around R40 - R90 max a month on electricity. It`s also more "water wise". Buying the disposables is still using - in fact they use a ton more to manufacture compared to washing. 36 litres is used to make 1 disposable nappy.
Read the "how to wash" section for the guidelines.

How do I clean the poop?

Newborn stage - rinse the nappy under the tap and store. No need for any liners as this stage is really the easiest to clean.
Solids (4 - 6 months old) - when baby starts eating real food, poop changes. This is when we start using a liner. You can opt for a reusable liner which is sprayed off into the toilet or a disposable liner that is thrown away.
Cloth nappies are not hard to clean. Modern fabrics and technology have really made this easy for us.
Read the cleaning page for full details.
Are cloth nappies hot?
No. Disposable nappies are made from plastic which is a lot less breathable than cloth nappies. Our fabric breathes and allows great air circulation. Contrary to mainstream belief, cloth nappies are cool even in hot weather. We use a fleece fabric that edges our nappy covers for comfort - this material is porous which promotes airflow and behaves in the opposite way when used as clothing (to keep warm).

Is the whole nappy changed?
Newborn stage: the entire Dawn patrol fitted nappy / flat and booster is changed. A new nappy with the insert is put on. Only the nappy cover can be reused a few times.
6kg+: Inners (flats, boosters, inserts) are changed while covers can generally be reused again. A nappy cover used for the whole night is not reused.
How often do I change a cloth nappy ?
The same as you would disposables.
Newborn - 3 months old.
Day time: change the cloth nappy every 2.5 / 3 hours max. Poop nappies always change immediately. Nappies get saturated more quickly at this stage.
Night time: change before the feed. Generally anything from between 2 to 4 hours (max) baby depending.
3/4 months+
Day time: every 3 hours. Poop nappies always change immediately.
Night time: 1 night nappy is worn all night.
Why do we use boosters?
Boosters are added from 3 weeks old as babies start to wee more and nappies get wetter. Without boosters, cloth nappies will leak. Add the booster in the nappy itself or in the nappy cover.

Are fleece liners needed at the newborn stage?
Liners are placed closest to the skin. They come in handy in the first days when meconium (the first poop that is sticky and black) is present. The purpose of using them at this stage is because they act as a stay dry between a damp nappy and the skin (fleece does not get wet). This is useful for babies that sleep longer (night time) or / and who are sensitive to a wet nappy. Add the liner if you notice a bit of redness on the skin.
We suggest having a pack of 10 for part time use and 20 for full time use.
Can I opt for disposable liners?
Single use liners can be bought from shops. They are thrown away. However we don`t recommend using these at the newborn stage or until babies start solids at 4 - 6 months. Newborn poop is runny and a liner does not "catch" it. Disposable liners are most useful when baby starts solids.
Can covers be reused?
Yes. Covers are rotated through the day. Airdy on a chair/cot then use a fresh one. Aim to rotate 3 - 4 a day.
Night nappy covers, only once.
Is bum cream needed?
No. Rashes are few and far between when using cloth nappies. Use cloth safe bum cream (creams that are free of zinc as this clogs nappy pores) or coconut oil if desired. Avoid Vaseline or wax type creams as they clog the nappy pores. Use a fleece liner if these creams are needed (sometimes during teething) as this protects the nappy.
Troubleshoot a rash here.
Why opt for reusable cloth wipes to clean baby?

Store bought wet wipes contain chemicals, often cause a bright red rash between the cheeks that mirrors the wipe and they do not clean very effectively. You need at least 3 or 4 or more to clean a poop. They are a single use, landfill item.
The Wipey reusables are super easy and very effective. They will continue to be used even when baby is potty trained. Get a pack of thirty. Dare we say it, but you will never use a store bought one ever again!
How wet do cloth nappies get?
Expect a damp nappy that is saturated all the way through the layers with a small dry patch at the back. 80% of the nappy is visibly wet. This is normal ansd comfortable.
After a few wees the nappy/boosters will be visibly wet but not so wet that it needs to be changed. A cloth nappy can hold enough wees for a 2cto 3 hour period before being changed. As long as there is no leaking (wet clothes) the nappy is doing it`s job. No dry patches indicates a nappy that needs another booster or it’s been on too long. Around 3/4 weeks old babies start to wee more. This when you start to add boosters day and night.
Troubleshoot leaks here.

Can I use cloth before the cord falls off?
Yes. You can start from day 1. Simply move the cord out of the way. Cloth nappies accommodate it perfectly. Make the nappy slightly looser while the cord is still attached.

Why does the first morning nappy feel wetter?
Morning output tends to be quite substantial under six months of age (newborns especially). Boost the first morning nappy (add a booster). Change it thirty minutes before you would any other nappy, if very saturated.
Does my baby get cold / uncomfortable in a cloth nappy?
My babies legs are lifted into the air with the bigger bum is this ok? The nappy feels too big!
Yes this is very normal for first time cloth nappy users as the comparison is a disposable nappy that is paper thin.
Newborns will lie at a slight angle due to the bigger bum. It is 100% ok. Cloth diapers hold a baby's legs in the optimum position that aids healthy hip development, both by the bulk between the legs and also adding a lift of their spine, which encourages them to lie in a froggie type of position. When babies are in the womb they are all curled up. The hip ball and socket is not 100% formed and only fixes around 2- 3 years old. Sitting a small baby in a cloth diaper actually encourages them to hold their legs in a position where the hip ball sits in the socket, lessening the chance of hip dysplasia.
The more you use your nappies the more normal it is for you, so just keep using them. Babies grow into their nappies very quickly. Remember why you are opting for reusables. Don`t let a bigger bum cause any concern and try and not make the comparison to a single use plastics - there are absolutely no positives about using them.
Read our blog post here that should settle any concerns. Cloth nappies would not exist or be as popular as they are if they were in any way negative for baby`s development or if they caused discomfort. It is more of a mindshift a new mom and Dad need to make as they become accustomed to something new. It is the right choice!
Does baby need bigger clothes?
You do not need special clothes or bigger clothes. It`s more about fabric choice and style of what you buy. See our tips below.
Opt for the stretch type legging pants (avoid denim or stiff type of pants as these do not do well with cloth bums). Elasticated shorts / pants / skirts / dresses work the best for warmer days.
A dropped crotch type or harem pants style works well for cooler weather and is available in most shops. Elasticated legging type of pants are the best.
Bottoms tend to get tighter slightly sooner so just be prepared to move to the next size clothing a few weeks earlier than if you were using plastics.
Opt for baby grows that clip under the crotch rather than ones that zip up from foot to neckline.
Use Kiki vest extenders which work brilliantly.
Can I resell my used nappies?
Yes you can. Recoup a large portion of what you initially paid on preloved nappy groups. Cloth nappies are the gift that keep on giving provided you buy good quality. We advise you to stay away from "cheap" cloth nappies. Buy well, buy once.
Can I ask for help?
We are a message away at any point, via whatsapp to help you. Get in touch.
Happy parents sharing their cloth nappy joy