Our story

Hi. My name is Kerryn. I am a mother, wife, eco warrior and small business owner. I love my children, my greatest accomplishments.

I started making cloth nappies for my first baby, as the thought of throwing a single use plastic in a black bag where it will stay for over 500 years just did not sit well with me, at all. My mum taught me how to sew when I was six years old. I would never have dreamed such a small skill would be such a big influence in my life today. Seven and a half years ago, I was sat sewing a cloth nappy (8 months pregnant), wandering if I was making the right decision about this cloth nappy business idea and a very beautiful and unusual looking feather floated in through the tiniest gap in my window. It landed on the very nappy I was sewing. This was the sign. Could it have been my mum?

I have a passion for creating things. I also have a passion for reusing and recycling. Pokkelokkie cloth nappies is not just a brand that sells cloth nappies. We aim to educate and provide ideas on how we can live more sustainably. We don’t all need to grow a huge veggie garden and live off solar, however we can do little things everyday that will make a huge impact if we all do them together. Opting for cloth nappies is definitely one of the biggest contributions we can make as parents today.

I started the business on my dining room table, cutting one nappy at a time with a pair of handheld scissors. I used my mums old sewing machines she left for me. I think we had about five sales a week back then. As time passed the orders grew. I decided to leave what I thought would be my lifelong teaching career, to pursue my own business. My husband, 6-month-old little boy and I relocated to the Garden Route in 2016 where I set up the business in the double garage attached to our rented home at the time. I employed one lady who helped me cut. I did all the sewing myself, day in and day out. We finally bought our current home where we turned the bottom floor of the house into the Pokkelokkie workshop. Over the next three and a half years, our team grew to five staff members and myself. We moved the business to a factory premises in the industrial area in Knysna in 2022. Our home just became too small. Fabric started to crowd every nook and cranny and our cars were sat on the driveaway due to the garages being filled with nappies. It was time to move! I now drive to work every day. It has been a very big change, but a very positive one for the growth of the business. The aim is to infiltrate the market even further and dominate.

Our nappies work. They are reliable, durable, trim, stretchy, beautiful, thirsty and easy. I tried all sorts of types of cloth nappies here and none have come close to what we make. That is a promise. Buy well, buy once.

Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions about cloth. We are here to help and support you.

Yours in cloth,
