How to clean nappies before washing

Newborn stage 

This is the easiest poop cleaning stage. Simply rinse the nappy off under the sink tap. You do not need to be doing anything else than this until baby starts eating actual food.

Breastfed babies: this poop is water soluble and can actually go straight into the washing machine without rinsing. Personal choice. 

Formula fed babies: rinse the nappy off before adding to the machine. It is not water soluble.

Solids stage (four/six months onwards)

1. Bidet spraying method

We recommend installing a bidet sprayer for when baby starts eating solids. It`s affordable, easy and a total game changer when cleaning your cloth. You do not need to spend a lot of money. Get one from Takealot, CTM or any bathroom shop.

How to attach a sprayer

Get a T joint (see image labelled 1) and an extra pipe (see image labelled 2) from a hardware store. This then can be easily hooked up to a toilet at the wall. No need for a plumber. 

2. Dunk and swish method

If you can`t install a sprayer, it`s ok. This method involves placing the soiled nappy half way into the toilet bowl and swishing it vigorously, while flushing, to remove the bulk of the poop. Fleece liners are needed to make this method work. Poop falls off a liner quite easily. Babies go through a stickier stage of poop from when they start solids, to then a more normal solid type of poop. The sticky stage does pass. 

3. Disposable liner method

Single use liners can be bought online or at places like Dischem. The liner catches the solids and is then disposed of in the bin. The solids needs to be knocked off first into the toilet. 

Happy parents sharing their cloth nappy joy